Summer Mission Project


Participant Covenant

I will focus on the service aspects of the project and remember that our purpose is to serve Christ by bettering housing conditions for those less fortunate and to build community within and among the Lewinsville family and friends.

I will adopt beforehand, and maintain throughout the trip, an attitude that I am part of the LPC Summer Mission Project Team.

I will accept and submit to the leadership role and authority of the Summer Mission Project leaders and promise to abide by their decisions concerning this mission trip.

I will to the best of my ability participate in all pre-trip preparatory activities and meetings and attend all activities during the mission trip. I will put in a full day of work each day.

I understand that there are many ways to accomplish the same objective and know that my way is not necessarily the best. I understand that I am permitted to offer constructive suggestions, but I will refrain from meddling, complaining, making derogatory comments or arguments, and obscene or insensitive humor. I realize that I have a responsibility to others on the LPC Team throughout the entirety of the mission, including during the journey, at the worksite and in the community within which we are working and that others will look to me for an example of how a Christian acts. I accept and will not treat that important responsibility lightly.

I understand that plans sometimes need to be changed, so I will remain flexible and be supportive as the need arises. I understand that I must travel with the rest of the team, unless other prior arrangements are made.

I will interact with all members of LPC Team and I promise not to initiate, seek or otherwise engage in romantic behavior with anyone during the trip. I promise to avoid all actions that might be perceived as amorous attentions toward anyone.

I understand that every member of the LPC Team is expected to share freely of their unique blessings and talents, whether that is skills such as music, art, carpentry, or basic hard work. I agree to participate in these ways as fully as possible.

I will be present with the group around me during the week and I will refrain from the use of mobile devices during meals and devotions. I understand that if I need to check in with my job or home that I will make every effort to complete those tasks during my own personal time.

I will refrain from using tobacco, alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs and I will not engage in any prohibited activity throughout the entirety of this trip. I understand that firearms and weapons (including replicas thereof), and fireworks are not permitted and promise I will not take along or possess any such items on this trip.

I agree that in the event my conduct is considered so unsatisfactory that it jeopardizes the mission of the trip, and that counseling with the Summer Mission Project leaders fails to correct my behavior, my connection with this mission trip shall end and I shall be sent home immediately at my own or my parent’s expense.

In signing this covenant I represent that I have fully read and agree to the participant expectations and the conditions listed above, I am 18 years of age or older, or my parent/guardian has also signed below accepting the above expectations and conditions along with me and on my behalf.
